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Determination Of Vitamin C Content Of Phyllanthus Emblica And Chyavanprash

Author(s): C. J Shishoo, S. A Shah, I. S Rathod, S. G Patel

Specific and sensitive O-Phenylene diamine fluorimetic method has been adopted for the determination of vitamin C content during various stages of chyavanprash preparation starting from major vitamin C containing fruit, Phyllanthus emblica(amla) and its dehydrated powder. The pericarp of both bigger and smaller varieties of amla fruit, and its freeze dried powder was found to contain 2.915 (±0.1), 3.775 (±0.15) and 23.24 (±0.18) mg of vitamin C per gram of pulp/powder, respectively. Vitamin C was found to be exceptionally stable in fresh and dried Amla fruits. All the three market samples of Chyavanprash tested do not contain any vitamin C. It is probably destroyed during frying of amla pulp with ghee.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report