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Formulation and evaluation of methotrexate niosomes.

Author(s): KS Chandraprakash, N Udupa, P Umadevi, GK Pillai
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Department of Radiobiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal - 576 119,

Correspondence Address:
K S Chandraprakash College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Department of Radiobiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal - 576 119

Methotrexate was encapsulated in niosomes prepared by using Tweens and Spans. The size distribution, entrapment efficiency,pharmacokinetics and effect of tumor remission of mice transplanted with S-180 Sarcoma were evaluated. Nisomes prepared with Span 60 gave promising results.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report