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Transdermal Delivery Of Prazosin HCL With Non-Ionic Surfactants

Author(s): D Rajendran, M Sivabalan, S. A Dhanaraj, S Ponnusankar, S. R Dube, B Suresh

The effect of non-ionic surfactants on the enhancement of skin permeation of prazozin HCI was studied in vitro using excised guinea pig skin. Among the Spans, Span 80 was found to produce the highest permeation of the drug. Among the Tweens, Tween 80 was found to produce the highest permeation of the drug. Tweens produced higher permeation than Spans. Adequate levels of transdermal permeation were observed.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report