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Antibacterial Activity of Mother Tinctures of Cholistan Desert Plants in Pakistan

Author(s): M Ahmad, Nazia Ghafoor, MN Aamir

The mother tinctures of desert were screened for antibacterial activity against bacterial strains of Gramâ??positive and Gramâ??negative bacteria. Mother tinctures were prepared by maceration process and antibacterial activity of different plants was evaluated and compared by measuring their zones of inhibition. The results indicated that Boerrhavia diffusa mother tincture had excellent activity only against Escherichia coli. Mother tincture of Chorozophora plicata showed highly effective results against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa whereas Echinops echinatus mother tincture showed highly effectiveness only against Salmonella typhi. Heliotropium europaeum mother tincture exhibited highly effective results against Bacillus subtilis in all concentrations. Tamrix aphylla presented maximum activity only against Bacillus subtilis in all three concentrations. Among the selected species Heliotropium europaeum, Chorozophora plicata and Tamrix aphylla were more effective plants against many microorganisms. However, Boerrhavia diffusa and Echinops echinatus were less effective plants against tested pathogenic bacteria.

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Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report