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Antimalarial Activity Of A New Herbal Formulation

Author(s): S. K Jain, H. R Chitme, Ramesh Chandra

Malaria is recognized as a highly widespread infectious disease of world caused by sporozoa of genus Plasmodium. Most antimalarial drugs were developed on the basis of their action against asexual erythrocytic forms of malaria parasites, which are responsible for the clinical illness. More recently, chloroquine-resistant strains of P. vivax also have been reported. Practical, effective and safe drugs, insecticides and vaccines still are needed to combat malaria. The object of the present study was to develop a more effective, scientific-based herbal formulation by using traditional medicines. The screening was done by Peter's 4 day test by means of parasite counts. There was no parasitaemia from 15th day post infection in both drug treated animals. All animals were found infection free and healthy. The preliminary pharmacological studies revealed that the prepared formulation possesses promising antimalarial activity justifying its use for the management of malarial infections.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report