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Comparison Of Diffusion And Permeability Of Selected Drugs : Effect Of Physicochemical Properties And Permeation Enhancers

Author(s): Sarasija Suresh, H. P Joshi

An attempt was made to compare and assess the permeability characteristics of selected drug molecules by varying lipophilicity and molecular weight using in vitro diffusion assembly and everted small intestinal sac model. Apparent permeability coefficient, flux, permeability coefficient and enhancement ratio of selected drug molecules through both the models were compared. The permeation data was compared with physicochemical properties including solubility parameter of drug molecules. In vitro data was found to be higher than the data obtained from everted sac model. Permeation of drugs through everted sac model was significantly enhanced by incorporation of sodium taurocholate (1%), which could be correlated with in vitro diffusion data.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report