Editor's Note
Acharya and B. M. Reddy College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru
Correspondence Address:
Divakar Goli Acharya and B. M. Reddy College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru E-mail: divakargoli@yahoo.com
Another year has gone by and all the 6 issues of Volume 77 of the journal been released on time except the Nov-Dec 2015 issue. The Jan-Feb 2016 issue is also delayed due to the fact that the journal is migrating to a new publisher. By end of the March, IJPS is expected to migrate from Wolters Kluwer-Medknow to OMICS International, thus ending the 10-year relationship with Medknow Publishers, during which period IJPS grew as an online journal and attained international recognition. IPA and the editorial team of the journal thank the support and services rendered by the Wolters Kluwer-Medknow publications to the journal all these years. The changeover may take some time and authors may not be able to access the Manuscript Management System for a few days. Please visit www.ipapharma.org to obtain latest information on the status of the journal migration. I request all the authors and readers to kindly bear with the inconvenience caused in this regard.