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Effect Of Combination Of Amantadine And Clomipramine On Various CNS Activities

Author(s): A. G Jagtap, Sonal V Shah

Our aim is to study various CNS activities of clomipramine and amantadine. The antidepressant activity of clomipramine and amantadine and also the synergistic antidepressant effect of a combination of amantadine and clomipramine was studied using forced swim test and tail suspension test. Tolerance studies were carried out using the forced swim test model in mice. Cognition studies with clomipramine, amantadine and combination of both drugs were carried out by using Morris water maze test. Antidepressant inhibitory effect of verapamil on clomipramine was assessed by forced swim test model. It was decided to check whether amantadine could inhibit the antidepressant inhibitory effect of verapamil on clomipramine.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report