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Fatty Acid Composition Of Lipids Of Some Of Marine Sponges From Orissa Coast

Author(s): S. C Si, A Sree, M Bapuji, J. K Gupta, K. A. I Siddqui

The fatty acid composition of lipid constituents of seventeen species of marine sponges from the Orissa coast have been studied by GLC. Most abundant are saturated fatty acids. Among the unsaturated acids, oleic acid occurs in 40% of the species investigated. Six polyunsaturated fatty acids were noted in different species. Docosahexaenoic acid (ω3 PUFA) is present in two species in large quantities. The sponges, Plakina monolopha and Callyspongiasp. which have shown antimicrobial activity are found to have >80% oleic acid.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report