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Formulation And Evaluation Of Sustained Release Tablets Using An Insoluble Rosin Matrix System

Author(s): A. A Shirwaikar, S Jacob, V Grover

Rosin, a natural resin, was used as an insoluble matrix forming material for studying the release of diltiazem HCI, which was taken as a model drug. The granules prepared were free flowing with good compressibility. The tablets prepared were flat faced, which retained their shape throughout. The method of preparation of matrix system and its concentration were found to have a pronounced effect on the release of diltiazem HCI. Various physical parameters of the granules and the tablets were evaluated. The release mechanisms and the release rate kinetics of the tablets were examined using different release models. The release was found to follow both the first order kinetics and Fickian diffusion. Marked differences in the release rate of the drug from different formulations were observed when % cumulative release was plotted against time. The drug delivery was analyzed using the paddle method according to USP XXIII. All the studies were done in distilled water.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report