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Kinetic And Titrimetric Determination Of Albendazole Using Bromate And Methyl Orange

Author(s): K Basavaiah, H. C Premeela
Correspondence Address:
K Basavaiah

Two methods, kinetic and titrimetric, based on bromination reaction with bromine, are described for the assay of albendazole in bulk drug and in tablets. The kinetic method depends on the linear relationship between the concentration of the drug (μg/ml) and time (s) for bromination, as indicated by bleaching of methyl orange acid colour. The titrimetric method is based on the direct titration of the drug with standard bromate solution in the presence of excess of bromide and in hydrochloric acid medium using methyl orange as indicator. Kinetic method is applicable in the concentration range of 5 to 25 μg/ml, and using titrimetry, 3 to 20 mg of drug can be determined with a fair degree of accuracy and precision. Tablet excipients do not interfere in either method. Recoveries of drug added to commercial formulations were good. As indicated by t- and F- values, the methods are as accurate and precise as the reference method.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report