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Nasal Drug Delivery : An Overview

Author(s): Sarasija Suresh, Shyamala Bhaskaran
Correspondence Address:
Sarasija Suresh

Recently, it has been shown that many drugs have better bioavailability by nasal route than by oral route. This has been attributed to rich vasculature and a highly permeable structure of the nasal mucosa coupled with avoidance of hepatic first-pass elimination, gut wall metabolism and/or destruction in the gastrointestinal tract. The nasal route could be particularly important for drugs used in crisis management such as for pain and for centrally acting drugs where the pathway from the nose to brain might provide a faster and more therapeutic effect. This article focuses on newer developments and strategies for nasal delivery along with nasal absorption mechanism.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report