Study on the Influence of Origin and Vinegar Roasting Process on the Chemical Composition of Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome
Department of Pharmacy, Renmin Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan, Hubei 442000, China
Correspondence Address:
Lijun Zhao, Department of Pharmacy, Renmin Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan, Hubei 442000, China, E-mail: ghlcmgzy@163.com
To provide a basis for the development of quality standards by studying the changes in the chemical composition of nutgrass galingale rhizome of different origins, before and after its vinegar roasting and to provide a basis for the correct evaluation of the quality changes of nutgrass galingale rhizome of different origins, before and after its vinegar roasting. A thin-layer method was developed to identify the water-soluble components of aconite. The volatile oil content of nutgrass galingale rhizome was determined according to the volatile oil determination method in Appendix XVI, Part I of the 2010 Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The volatile oil content of nutgrass galingale rhizome from Shandong and Anhui was higher (1.59 % and 1.61 %), while the volatile oil content of nutgrass galingale rhizome from Guangdong was the lowest (1.14 %). The highest content of beta-sitosterol was found in Anhui (0.017923 %) and the lowest in Guangdong (0.010893 %). The total flavonoid content of nutgrass galingale rhizome from Henan was the highest (0.95381 %) and the total flavonoid content of nutgrass galingale rhizome from Shandong was the lowest (0.63565 %). The volatile oil content and beta-sitosterol content decreased and the total flavonoid content increased in all three groups after vinegar roasting. Shandong and Anhui Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome have better medicinal efficacy and the use of vinegar roasting method for the concoction of nutgrass galingale rhizome is reasonable.
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