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Sustained Release Implants Of Chloroquine Phosphate For Chemoprophylaxis Of Malaria

Author(s): Mala Menon, Avanti Damle, Shalaka Kulkarni

Implants of chloroquine phosphate (CQP) using the biocompatible polymer ethylcellulose (EC) along with or without the addition of excipients I ke PEG 6000, stearic acid and Tween 80 were prepared. These implants were evaluated to assess their physicochemical properties and In vitro release profiles. Of the various implants studied, CQP loaded EC implants containing stearic acid were found to provide the maximum retardant effect and hence were selected for further investigations.These implants were then sterilized using Cobalt 60 gamma radiation. Antimalarial efficacy of these implants against Plasmodium berghei-infected mice was also investigated.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report