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Validation Of Antifertility Activity Of Various Rubus Species In Female Albino Rats

Author(s): S. P Dhanabal, Shibu Prasanth, M Ramanathan, K Elango, B Suresh

Alcoholic extracts of leaves of various species of Rubus, Rubus ellipticus, R. niveus, R. racemosus and R, rugosus var. thawaitesil (Rosaceae) were tested for antifertility activity in female Wistar albino rats. The results indicate decreased implantation sites and increased resorption sites, which denotes antiimplantation and early abortifacient activities of Rubus species. The results are in agreement with the traditional use of this plant as abortifacient by the tribals of Nilgiris.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report